Zu Presence vs. Devore Nines

I am looking at buying one of these two speakers to run with my 8 watt Audio Note 300B amp.

I am leaning towards the Zu Presence because of the buzz this speaker line is causing and the positive feedback of owners.

Any thoughts on the Devore Nines before I pull the trigger on the Zu?

Demo pair has no such option. I could resell at the price I would be paying for them though.

Mixed feedback on the lower model but not so much for the Presence.

I have limited space and I do not want to sell my amp and lose my shirt in the sale so I need efficient speakers. I have to much $$$ in the tubes alone ($1,100.00) to see someone else post on the 'Gon how much they like the AN P3 Silver they bought.
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All of the ZUites ski so I think I might head out there in March and do some ZU sking.
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I have the Zu Definitions. I auditioned the Devore Nines in NYC. With the caveat that the spaces and electronics were totally different, to me there was no comparison - especially when it came to tone, dynamics, bass, etc.