Acoustic Zen Adagio owners/re: amplification

Acoustic Zen Adagio owners....what are you using/or what you liked to power these speakers?
VAC Phi 220 monoblocks. 220 watts into 8 ohms per side. I like what I am hearing.
Thanks to all for your responses. I have the Bryston B100 SST integrated which will be my starting point...and then try others. In the past I have had Maggies and always ended up using a tube pre and transistor power amp.
I am using an Arcam FMJ CD-23T (cdp), an ARC SP-3c preamp, and an ARC VT100 Mk II pwr amp. I just replaced the output tubes in the VT100. Re-set the DC balance, and re-set the bias. It's sounding great. I am always looking at what to upgrade next, but for now the Adagio's are staying. BTW, I am also using a Focal JM Labs SW900 subwoofer.