Comparison of Thiel CS2.4 vs. Vandersteen 3A Sig.

Interested in hearing about any comparisons between these two speakers, Thiel CS 2.4 and Vandersteen 3A Signatures, integration into rooms, ability to drive speakers, sound quality, any new updates or options that should be considered, etc.
I power mine with Krell, yes with the "harshest" of amps through the "harshest" of speakers. Can you imagine? Oh the humanity!
LOL... very good!
Pops, you could be right. Must be contagious though. The comments from friends and visitors on my system seem to be...effortless, smooth, and detailed more than anything else.
Maybe its the water.
Hi Braro,

The 3As should be much more dynamic than you describe. Mine have plenty of slam and jump factor. What is the rest of your system like?

Just curious...