What's your favorite Patricia Barber album?

I just bought the Verse cd and like it very much. What do you guys think i should get next?

Glad to see you like Verse. Not many do in my experience -but I think it's great too. You could try Companion - recorded live at the Green Mill - I think it's out (or will be soon) on SACD as well. I've got all her CD's so I'm biased, but I really enjoy Modern Cool and Night Club the most. Enjoy.
I've got all her stuff, as well. You won't go wrong with any one of 'em. Nice recordings. I find her voice to be pretty weak and fatiguing. Still enjoy her music, though. peace, warren
As everyone says, it is very difficult to suggest which one is best, I too have most of her recordings and plan on buy as and when they come out. I particularly like the album "Cafe Blue" very much since this was the first album I got after listening to it on a friends high end system on vinyl. My jaw dropped and I could not believe what I was hearing through those mini monitors (Alon Adrianas).

I would say if you like VErse you will probably end up liking all her albums, but, get the "Cafe Blue" as soon as possible. You will not be disappointed.

Happy Listening,

I agree with Cafe Blue, I think it is the easiest to listen to as well. I find her other albums (except for Verse which I have not heard) have a quality which is almost tense in their presentation, almost too studio perfect, maybe it is her singing which dominates the music. My friend likes Verse the best as it is not like her other albums and more accessable according to him. I do not mean to sound negative as I think the music is terrific, I am not the biggest fan of vocals to begin with and Patricia Barber is not replacing Joni Mitchell any time soon IMHO.