I need more cowbell....

looking for opinions on where I should go next for an upgrade. I am generally happy with my current setup, just looking for a tad more, maybe to get closer to live music. My current setup is:

Meridian 200 transport with Synergistic Master PC
Meridian 563 DAC with SR Master PC
conrad johnson premier 14 - stock GE tubes
Classe CA 200 with PS Audio Extreme Statement PC
Thiel 3.6 on audiopoints
Illuminati D60 digital IC
MIT 350 SG EVO dac to preamp
MIT 350 reference preamp to amp
MIT Magnum 2 speaker cables
Dedicated 20 amp lines
Target rack and amp stand

The sound is very non-fatguing, layered and transparant when the recording calls for it. Room is fairly neutral, large, concrete slab, it's only partially finished so there's not alot I can do. I'm luckey I have alot of room so the speakers are 10.5 feet apart which really lets them breathe. I'm thinking amp? Preamp, frontend? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you change your preamp to something that isn't as warm and sweet sounding, you're going to end up having to change at least one other item mentioned in your list of components. I'm not saying which piece it is, but i see it as a sore spot in any system that strives towards neutrality.

Right now, the sonics of the preamp are probably balancing out / masking the sonic signature of this other component. As such, changing one without changing the other may be a step towards a LESS enjoyable and natural sounding system. Make sure that your money is right before you make a move on something like the preamp, because another expenditure will be right behind it.

Other than that, i agree with some of the comments mentioning the support structure that your gear resides on. A good support structure benefits ANY system but whether or not those results will be completely realized is up to the system itself.

If you like your existing rack, and there's no reason not to other than lack of adjustability / versatility, you might want to check into experimenting with various shelf materials. This can be done using different types of wood or other materials for not that much money and the results can be quite staggering / educational. If you want to get fancier with possibly better results, you might want to check into something along the lines of aftermarket shelving materials.

My suggestion would be to think along the lines of materials that have good rigidity, are non-ferrous in nature and offer low mass with high levels of internal self-damping. These suggestions apply both to the various woods / materials that you tinker around with on your own or with the pre-assembled shelving. This is a hard set of requirements to achieve for any one given material, so take that as a hint. Sean

PS... Should you want to discuss any of this further, feel free to drop me an email. Just be patient with me as i'm way back-logged on getting through some of my responses.
You need more Cowbell!
Wow, I need some great wild sex with a beautiful blonde!

Geez,with a setup like that ,if it did everything I want and was good synergisticly I would not change a wire.

I'd ask christopher walken what he did to get more Cowbell BTW. He was asking for More Cowbel also!

Good luck!

Pops: I'll try and get back to your email sometime Monday night. I'm having a phenomenal amount of problems with my server ( Comcast ) right now, so things are very sporadic and i'm just trying to keep up with my business transactions for right now. If any of you have a hard time contacting me, don't hear back from me, etc... it seems that appr 40% of the data enering or exiting my computer is getting lost somewhere. Sean