Vendors Who Post

There are a number of vendors who post to Audiogon discussion threads. I think we can fairly assume that all of them have disclosed that there are in fact vendors and are not hiding this important fact. In my experience, most vendors are very helpful here and do not attempt to primarily use the threads as a marketing tool to solicit customers. They use the threads to give useful information pertaining to their products, to clear up misunderstandings about their products and to correct misperceptions about their products. Most vendors post in a professional way with an appropriate tone. But, alas, there are some vendors who are less professional than others on these forums, in my opinion. How do you feel about the vendors who post here?
As long as they identify themselves as such, not only do I not mind, I welcome them. Even if I disagree with them from time to time, I find most of the contributors who have a professional link to this topic to be amongst the best contributors. I think the ones that don't properly identify themselves absolutely devalue the forum. I do wish Audiogon would provide a color code or an identifying symbol (*?) to classify the contributing poster(s).
Agree with Unsound. I agree with mars that their candy bars are all natural and healthy for you. I agree that we have a lot of only child's on this audiogon forum. But I do really agree with Unsound.
I'm not sure what you mean by vendor exactly. Do you mean some one who sells stuff rather than manufactures stuff?

Manufacturers and/or builders might have intimate insights into speaker, cable, amplifier design etc. Their knowledge, clarifications or explanations gained through experience could enhance understanding in some threads. Granted some manufacturers also sell their own products so bias could come into play although most bias among this group would probably be toward their own products. However, in some cases bias in this group might be toward a class of products, for instance a tube amp designer/builder might not like solid state.

Many vendors only sell other peoples products. They may also have unique perspectives and opinions that might be interesting to hear although their primary function is to sell the brands they represent to retailers.

Perhaps four classifications would be appropriate.
1. Regular folk, people who like music and stereos/hifi's. 8^)
2. Designer and/or Builder/Manufacturer.
3. Vendor [Wholesale] reps #2's products.
4. Dealer [Retail] Sells to public.

Just a start to a conversation. By all means add your own perspectives.
You make important distinctions here. All 4 classifications are accurate. The objections I have are:

1. Industry-connected people who do not make a disclosure.
2. Industry-connected people who trawl for business and use the forums to attract attention to themselves -- sometimes in negative ways.
2. Industry-connected people who trawl for business and use the forums to attract attention to themselves -- sometimes in negative ways.

Sabai, and members really wouldn't know who they are unless the vendor mistakenly posted under a different username and keen quick eye's caught them ;)