Wife stepping on speaker wire

I'm looking for a heavy duty, thick pair of speaker wire that she can see from a great distance. I have never come across a person that has no regard where she plops down her size 8's. Any suggestions would be a god send.
@ Mr I: I thought Madeline Kahn pulled it off better, in 'Young Frankenstein'. Guess if the stitches had been better......

Put up a sign that reads,

These cables emit a small amount of radiation.
Any contact may cause thighs and butt to swell.
Buy her some very high heels and usually one good ankle twist does the trick.....would have been a great gift today. Try flat cables or put a throw rug over them. PT
I would not ever leave any cables in contact with floors, I would suggest relocating the speakers so you can keep the speaker wire off the floor.
Be a man about (even at the risk of a marital dispute) and tell her how much those wires she's stepping on cost. Or, you could just raise the wires a few inches off the floor, with either home made supports or any of a number of commercially made cable supports as many dealers and cable makers advise us audiophiliacs to do.
Is there an consensus as to whether SC lifters make a difference
I've never detected any on wool or synthetic carpet or wood floors. A bit on concrete though but still not night or day.
Schubert, I don't know what SC lifters are, but I find porcelain isolator with glaze are clearly best. I have yet to find a cable including power cords that is not improved by being isolated. Furthermore, one per cable is best.
Tbg, SC= Speaker Cable.

Thanks for the info, never heard the one per cable before.
What make do you use?
Suspending cables and cords from fishing line from eye hooks in the ceiling works for me. Kills two birds with one stone. It's what the pros do.
Schubert, Right-way Audio marketed these some years ago. They look like insulators that you see on telephone poles, but not made of glass. I cannot find any such firm now. I bought 24 of them.

I had never heard of one per cable either until I was urged to try it by the Right-way owner. Sometimes I just cannot achieve this but consistently I have found it best.

Geoffkait, I have never tried fishing cords from ceiling eye hooks. Perhaps this is because my ceilings are 11 feet up and also because it looks so crappy. I have used cord from tripods left over from my photography days. For some reason, perhaps vibrations, I prefer isolators.