Magnepan MMG's just arrived

I took advantage of Magnepan's 60-day trial offer on a new
pair of MMG's ($550 plus shipping) and am, so far, impressed with what I'm hearing! I'm using my old faithful
Mesa Baron Tigris integrated tube amp and an NHT SW-3 sub.
Any MMG owners out there with an opinion of how long it takes to break these in? What amps are you guys using?
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Showing 1 response by jafox

Congratulations on your new adventure. I too am quite a happy Maggie owner. Somehow they bring on a level of musical enjoyment that can be quite captivating. They typically need to be played at a middle volume level to bring them alive.

Loontoon brings up many important tips. Perhaps the Maggies are the toughest speaker to find a matching amplifier. I still am hunting for that ideal high powered / affordable amp that does not break the bank. After trying many ARC tube amps, I found the Counterpoint NPS400 to be an all around winner. I am thinking a second NPS400 might just be the ticket.

As for losing the wife, I keep mine in the basement in a music-only setup so my family does not care. I'm not sure their presence in the family room home theatre setup would be "allowed". But then again, I find the Talons and other dynamic speakers to be better suited for surround sound movie presentations.

So let us know how you feel at the end of 2 months. I suspect Albert is right: they will not be coming back to Minnesota.
