Can we have an "Ask Sean" catagory?

It seems that the most comprehensive audio answers come from Sean. He corrects us with non-threatening information. I believe he is really trying to help all of us become better informed budding audiophiles. I have no idea who Sean is or what his background is, but I often read his posts and say "wow, I only knew a little bit about that". I wanna be audio smarter! My wife believes this quest is hopeless. I think Sean is "The Answer". Any followers?
Even when I disagreed with him I always found Sean interesting and informative. In the very best sense of the word Sean was a muckracker. That said, Sean appeared to have an axe to grind on any number of issues and given the volume and depth of his postings it probably is in his and Audiogon's best long term interests to part their ways. It seemed as if it was getting personal.

I for one would strongly encourage Sean to start his own on-line forum.
Sean's World Dot Com!!!! Dude, that's 'audiorific'! He could follow it up
with his very own local cable television program from his basement!
Wonder if he has a bud that can be his Garth? Perhaps his brother. His
dad can come in for guest appearences and they can crank up the tunes
to eleven! Sean LIVES!! He's not a "WAS" - he's an

Seriously....I agree, even when I disagreed or didn't understand, or
wondered, how the f*&k does Sean find the time to answer all these
friggen questions?! or thought, damn that Sean has a big mouth;-O I
always make a point to read his responses.....then I have a good laugh
and see what someone who really knows what their talking about has to know, like Slappy or Gunbei! Just yanking your crank Sean!
Damn, that's a big crank you got there man! I know you're reading this.
Hey, put your picture up on the "What do you look like"
thread that's recently started.....I really gotta see that!! I've got a picture
in my head of a shaved head, white dude, bout 210-220 linebacker-
sized, tatoos but not too many, a piercing here or there, leather jacket. I
dunno where the heck this comes from, but that's what comes to mind
for some reason. Maybe I should start a new thread called "What
do you think Sean looks like"? It can become an art contest too,
like used to be on the inside of matchbooks, or in comic books:
"Can you Draw Sean?" If so you can earn a scholorship to the
stay-at-home-and-learn-to-be-a-starving-artist Institute of

Call me naive, but I can't/won't understand how people can support the idea of curtailing free speech because potential law suits might hurt profits. Jeesh, people died for these rights and now peoople are willing to sell them off so cheaply? I would think that controversy would actually attract business. Maybe this internet thing really won't last. I haven't made up my mind yet, but, I'm seriously considering following Sean out of here.
I wouldnt smoke this thread with a 10 foot pipe.

I will miss sean though. Good source of info.
Marco, I wouldn't feed my kids what I wouldn't eat myself. So hell no am I feeding my virtual kids some dishonest dealer puree. How about I stick my virtual foot in your virtual mouth for that venonous suggestion. = P
Hey, slap some Fluffernutter on that Shill-Spam and you nor your virtual
toddlers will know the better. It's good eatin' fer sure! I'm tellin' you
man, they'll go for it big time Viggen! It's better'N the boob! Helps grow
strong bodies in eight essential ways! Gunbei eats it, and look at him!
He's got the smooth green complexion of clay that all the chick-
magnet-geeks would kill for! Besides, with those tiny feet of yours it'd
take two or three of'em to fit in my virtual mouth. You know what they
say about men's feet don't you? Tiny feet..........tiny shoes! Look it up,
it's a fact!

hey can anybody tell me what Sean actually said in the ad he posted here I somehow missed reading it? Thanks
About the fears of lawsuits...the words "I think that..." pretty much protect you. You can express any opinions. If you represent them as fact (and you have credentials that suggest you are competent to judge these facts) you can be sued. Thus, in audio for example, an audio salesman would be held to a higher standard than Joe Sixpack.
It has nothing to do will lawsuit potential, it's simple business. Audiogon is a commercial, profit oriented site for the buying/selling of equipment. Dealers and manufacturers are the major source of revenue for Audiogon. The discussion forums may attract visitors to the site, but they generate zero revenues. So if you're the owner/manager of Audiogon and there's a problem in the forums that in any way threatens your major source of income, then the solution is obvious. Push comes to shove, the people who own and run Audiogon can simply discontinue the forums. It's not a free speech issue. If you got something to say Audiogon's not stopping you from starting your on website and saying anything you so desire.
I buy and sell a lot more on Audiogon because of the forums than I would otherwise. The forums feed the nervosa condition, if you know that I mean. I'm probably in the minority.
Yes like playland at McDonalds the forums are a draw. Losing Sean was like taking away one of the big slides. Now all we can do is play in the ball house and you know how many kids pee in there.
Marco, are you insinuating that I wear small shoes or you have a big mouth? = P

One a side note... Even though the forum does not generate profit in terms of advertising fees, the forum does dictate how high these fees are. The higher the number of hits that this website generates determines how high they can charge their clients. And, I would think, it is the members' unbiased comments and entertainment value that supports the forum's and the site's hit counts.

On another side note, come to think of it, this website atleast has kept banner ads away from the forum and kudos to them for that. And, no pop up ads either.
Personally, I enjoyed Sean's input on this site. I support free expression, and letting the chips fall where they may.

However, I do agree that Audiogon was put in a position(with Sean's placement of the derogatory "ad") where action was required. One can only go so far without expecting consequenses. I'm sorry that it ended up that way.
What the f**k? I've been away for some time, and now discover one of our most knowledgable members is banned for speaking out his thoughts? I'm not going into freedom-of-speech legislation, I live in Holland, so I don't know any American legislation, but it sucks big time.
Well, the last time I posted here on the Audiogon forum I was trying to decide whether I wanted to continue to do so. A couple of days turned into a couple of weeks, and I finally decided to just lurk around for a year and see where this was going. In the mean time, Sean and David where kind enough to answer my e-mails when I needed some advise and I did do a little business here. I'm happy to say that things seem to have worked out very well indeed! I hope you will all welcome me back. I have a lot of personal things going on right now, so my participation may be sparse at first. I'm very much looking forward to catching up with you all. As always, thanks in advance and best regards.
Unsound, we're always glad to see both seasoned vets return to the fold. We all need time and space and i can understand your thoughts / feelings on the situation. I'm in one of those places right now, hence my lack of posting to the extent that i normally do. I hope that your vacation from Agon was beneficial, both to you as an individual and to your sense of musical enjoyment & respect for the system that you've already accumulated. Best wishes, good listening and see ya around : ) Sean
Sean's helpline: (800) ASK-SEAN seems to be down. I keep getting access to some 900 chat line. Maybe he's in a new line of business =-).