
Discussions rgs92 has started

Joseph Audio Pearls?52319
How to introduce computer audio to my system?544217
Do I need to use filler in my speaker stands?1686313
Monitor speakers that disappear:best image/staging1107917
Are those B65 versions of the 6NS7 tube worth it?108223
DACT stepped vs. TKD continuous attenuator?129232
DAC w/ low-voltage XLR analog outputs for EMM XDS140756
Wilson Sasha vs. older Watt Puppies156407
Any hope for SACD?1287334
Focal 1038 BE impressions? recommended to me34522
Buddy Holly and Elvis on SACD456310
Anyone heard of Audiostatic?25792
Top big-name monitors current versions .1889630
Shunyata Triton1383514
Chained Shunyata Triton w/Vray 251459