condo owners, how do you appease the neighbors?

Hi everyone,
I just moved into a condo and the neighbor downstairs won't leave me alone. He keeps knocking on my door and asking me to turn down the music. I checked the volume level with my Radio Shack SPL meter, and found the average to be about 72db. Peaks at about 76db. Measured with pop music. For reference, my HVAC runs loud at about 65db. If I turn the music down a little, I can't hear it when the heat turns on. This is not as loud as I'm accustomed to listening, but it is far too loud for my neighbor, apparently. What have you other condo/apartment owners done?

First, you should try to get yourself invited into their living space to hear for yourself what they are complaining about. Regardless of the outcome this will be very informative. Perhaps it is just the placement of your speakers that could be altered.

Also, you might try a little extra padding between the speakers and the floor. Moving your speakers away from the wall or out of a corner can help. Are your speakers atttached to the wall?

You can also agree that you will use certain settings at agreed-to hours.

Here's a crazy one. I have experience in one housing situation where the ambient background noise is so low that you can hear anything, including a 'power piss'. It might be possible that your music is too loud because the building is so quiet. Buildings near high traffic areas hardly ever get noise issues between residents.

Anyway, try to be 'the nice guy' and you will enjoy your home more. If they turn out to be unreasonable you will have a history of co-operation on your part to rely on should they begin to involve third parties.
If they want complete peace and quiet, they need to buy a house -- in a condo, neighbor noise is inevitable. Everyone in a shared building has to give a little. You have a right to play your music and they have a right to reasonable peace and quiet. So try to work something out, and if that doesn't work, hope the police find that you are not playing your music too loudly. If you can't find a solution and music is super-important to you, buy a house.
I've been on the recieving end of a Bose subwoofer............ two 8 inch speakers pointed down into my living room from above........... a nightmare it was, she'd get drunk pass out cold and leave it on at 2 in the morning......... sounded like a real drum set was being played........ This person finally reset the bass level after numerous fights and things have been great......... I guess those Bose systems come with the bass level on full tilt.......... Now, I learned everyones work schedule and my neighbors usually are gone in the daytime, I'm home alot in the day so that gives me time to play loud, I got lucky........... I hate living this close to other people, stacked on top of eachother in poorly constructed buildings, there should be a building code inforced for noise polution........ People should be able to listen to stereos with no hassle.......... More so with condos, people put good money down and you still can hear what you neighbors are watching on the tv. One day I'm gonna live in the woods.
Well, I just make it work. I think you have to do what makes you happy, and if they can't understand that give them time. Personally, I don't think I could listen, really listen to music that is only 75db...I agree about the sub/bass issues, as they are always an issue regardless of how much concrete is in your building. I found that going to a full range speaker allowed for increased volume without the "boom" of a subwoofer. Headphones are an option, but I would not use them unless I was listening late nights. In my current arangement I share my livingroom wall with my neighbor and have people living above me...I still listen at all next-door neighbor has only complained once when I turned on my sub for an action movie.

Good luck
Unfortunatley, there is little recourse on your part. Your are considered the "neighbor from hell" to the downstairs tenant. He has options such as initiating a condo board hearing or a noise abate lawsuit. Both can make your life miserable. Apart from the financial resources needed for a lawsuit, some states require realtors to disclose to potential tenants that you are a "nuisance" which can leave your condo board with a problem in renting and you with a black mark to future landlords.

Also, you have no "rights" to play music, or do what you wish with respect to neighbors, during reasonable time periods. A right is defined as something you can exercise without imposing an obligation or hardship on another. Even if you consult an attorney as to the local nuisance laws, the condo may have other rules which contradict and supersede - all perfectly legal.

Sorry to be pessimistic, but the only practical option that you have, from my perspective, is to come to some form of man-to-man agreement. If that fails, then - what I would do - is to continue playing at reasonable volumes during the day. If a comlaint is lodged to the condo board, I would politely ask to know exactly, with specifics, how I am violating the lease agreement and what I would need to do to comply - apart from not playing music. Is it the rattling from the bass? That can be addressed - as I understand that's obnoxious. Is it the fact that the music is heard? If it's not louder than conversation, what do I do? Stop speaking as well:-)? Make yourself the reasonable one.

You cannot be stopped from living your life; there are practical limits, of course. Just make them spell it out for you.