Squeeze Box Love'n'hate

I tellya, had I known this thing would be such a pain in the backside.....but yet I love it....when it works!!! Perhaps it's because I'm a MAC guy and my computers just work. This 'interactivity' with the SQ3 goes beyond my extent of how much I want to be involved with digital. I'm also a vinyl guy and I have no trouble with the interactiveness of playing records....in fact I savour it!

So what is it with the SQ3? Well sometimes it's busy 'buffering' when I want to listen to music. Other times it just shuts itself off. And then there's the times when it won't shut off.....unless you unplug it. And at times it loses it's network......whatever, it's just plain frustrating!!!!

Anyone else have this experience?
I too have strangeness with the SB3. I run the thing all night into my Pace-Car reclocker and DAC's so they can break-in. Often, in the morning it appears to be playing at the laptop, but there is no activity at the SB3 and no music. I have to stop and hit play again to start it up. May be interference in the Wi-Fi??

I never have problem like this with the Sonos.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
I have never had any big problems with my Bolder-modded SB2. It works perfectly with Vista and a Linksys WRG54G wireless router across the room.
I have never had any connection problems with my SB3(XP, Linksys WRT54G wireless router), but the sound quality still doesn't equal any of my transports.
"but the sound quality still doesn't equal any of my transports"

First, try a good power supply it will make a BIG difference. Then, give Wayne @ www.boldercables.com a chance to mod it. He can work wonders on them.
Ecruz- For less money than the boldercables digital mod and PSU, I can get a new Vista laptop and a Trends USB to SPDIF converter. Heard this combo at a friend's home, and it blows away a wireless or wired SB3 with or without a linear PSU.