Thanks R.E.M.

Just a note of thanks to a band that created music on their own terms and left the business that way as well. Thanks for sharing your art with the masses.
Great band. Murmur is my favorite. Love the heavy Byrds influence especially in their earlier material. Twangy Rickenbacker/Vox sound at its finest.
Maxnewid - looks like we cut our teeth on some very similar bands. Made me think of the band Zeitgeist as well (Translate Slowly)! Enjoyed a spin with it today! Has been fun thread to read and catch a glimpse into others views on a band that really made a difference for me in my college years. The only group who I ever spent the night outside in line for tickets (Murmur tour)! Still one of the best shows I've ever seen. The dB's opened, and the Egyptian Theater in DeKalb, Illinois never sounded so good!
I've spent much of my musical life with REM. Amazing band. I'm close to Michael Stipes age have been a fan since the 80's. I love all the 24 bit tunes. They really 'Got It'.