Amy Winehouse.RIP

Passed away today in London.
Such a talent with sadly many demons.
Well what started out as RIP tribute to a fallen human being has encompassed it all, religion, politics, name calling and sadly enough, by some a lack of demonstrable understanding of the meaning of the words civility, respect and compassion. A reflection of the building tension and division in our society maybe? When we stop caring for each other as individuals and collectively, and feel free to say whatever pops into our heads with thoughless abandon all the while smug in our convictions that whatever we want to say is ok without consideration for others, we all lose. We'll all get what's coming to us for sure, not just Amy. I am really surprised at the hard boiled callousness demonstrated, particularly on a thread such as this where we should be coming together, the irony.
You guys once again confuse the helpless with the clueless. It would be different if she was a quiet addict like Kurt Cobain or Layne Staley, or the likes of Keith Moon who were sadly reckless. Here is where she runs a far different track from those, she celebrated it and pretty much made her fortune for being a junkie. Thats nothing to celebrate or give sympathy for so spare me of your little pointing finger of shame, point it where it belongs, at her or in your mouth to shut you up. It does not has not and will never bother me that you dont like my opinion but you will hear/read it as this is what these forums are all about.
Hugs not drugs ;) well a little weed never hurt! Cheers

I believe the anonymity of the web has greatly heightened the lack of civility.

I see it on every forum I'm on, be it music, technology or politics. And it's not just one side spewing the vitriol. The liberals and conservatives throw equal amounts of rhetoric without thought.

People have access to greater enlightenment than any generation to date, but enlightenment is becoming more rare.

Oh well- listen to some great music!
and that's what it is Tubegroover...a sign of our times. i wouldn't single out tension and division, as that's always been present. it's the lack/deterioration of civility that is the sign of our times. a judgmental arrogance that seems to be worsening by the day. seems being "online" makes it even worse. it's easy to say something online that you'd never have the balls to say in person. ask yourself this...if a-gon was a a physical place that we all got together at...would this be happening?. sure, a few would express their negative comments but i doubt it would have digressed to this level?. lots of brave people online =)

personally, i never liked her music much. her lifestyle turned me off as well. she was a sick person who couldn't get well. i posted a reply in the other RIP thread before this one took a nosedive. i called it "a slow moving train wreck" *with* an RIP, out of common decency and respect. you don't have to like someone to do that. it's called being part of the human race. many in "our times" don't want to be a part of the human race anymore. it's about "me" and those who agree with "me". being about "me" isn't all bad imho. it's the "against them" part i object to.

i can easily tolerate alot of this stuff. what pushed me over the edge was someone dragging religion into the mix. although i have a deep belief in "god", me a "religion" have problems ;-)

free speech is awesome. you CAN say whatever you want and express your opinion. however there are times i question should you? and why would you?. and if you have to...why can't you do it respectfully.
