Fleetwood Mac

Best band ever?

Anyway, I've been listening to self title, Rumors, and Tusk repeatedly the past 2 years. Can anyone recommend the next step in Fleetwood fandom? I'm not a huge fan of live albums, but will venture in that direction if absolutely necessary, ie Johnny Cash.
I've always been partial to "Pious Bird of Good Omen" alhough quite different from the titles mentioned in the OP.
Best band ever? You can not be serious. loomisjohnson above id'd their best stuff. You might like the Buckingham/Nicks album those two made before joining.
I completely agree with Lloydc. They were not even close to being the best band ever. (I could easily name a hundred or so better bands.) I will readily admit that they were very successful, but then again, so was ABBA, Styx and other pop bands of that same time period.

IMHO, they were a decent, but not great, band, especially after the girls joined the group. (Before that they were not nearly as successful, but a much better band.)

Anyway, my two cents worth.
Tango in the Night is my fav of the new band, but from tyhe Peter Green days Future Games.
Abba could be possibly be the best 'pop' band, ever.
How could anyone mention Styx...........WHO?! in the same sentence as that truly super group Abba?
Abba have reportedly been offered $1 Billion Dollars to reform. Styx ain't worth a million Lira.