LP12 upgrades

Are there any upgrades worth considering for a table S/N 59xxx, that don't cost a fortune??? Crikus;750, Lingo 2 ; $2000 plus, nicer cartridge at least $1000. Are the 30 year old Nirvana springs worth replacing too. It seems as though by the time I get done here....I will have more than enough to finance all but the absolute best efforts offered by REGA, Music Hall, and Project. Any thoughts or possible upgrade paths that would be more affordable, The only ones I know is Trampolin, or rebuilding existing Vahalla power supply? Still about $600. Would it make more sense to trade my deck in against a Magik deck.

Best Regards to all
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Thank you from everyone for the insightful responses....sound like I better save a lot of coin(for me) and find a decent shop, to start. It seems much better to do that than something I will later regret. I have always liked the classic LP12 sound but just wanted bigger and even more resolved sound to match the incredible performance of the Wyred 4 Sound separates we just bought. It appears that it will take an investment between 2-3 times what I paid for the table if I DO decide to go post Cirkus with simple upgrades....No Keel, no Lingo II, or Ekos tonarm(keep the LVII Ittok). The Armagedden PS, or Origin Live PS/motor kit, makes a lot of sense for less coin, when resources permit. Smartest thing sounds like starting from ground zero, have it 'set up' again, and then starting from there.(It has been over 20 years !!!....). I am sure that even with a modest cartridge it will sound better than many sub $1500 efforts from many others.
Again thanks so much to everyone.
I think you are on the right track. I know that just having the suspension set correctly can make a world of difference. These LP12's require a very delicate balance on the suspension to sound their best. You can add a number of upgrades, but if not dialed in correctly, the money is wasted. Again I suggest Rick only because I know first hand his expertise in reviving "out of tune" tables.
Best wishes
The single biggest improvement I experienced with my LP 12 was the Lingo, which surprised me. A much bigger deal than when I added an Ekos arm. And last summer I had my table tuned up by a longtime Linn guy in Westchester. That breathed life on the table too. I am happy with what I have now- Lingo, Ekos, Arkiv B, Trampolin, and I have zero desire to add a keel or radikal. I'll change cartridges when thevArkiv B is dead.
When you want the absolute, ultra real thing Performance with it, sell everything you have and get T-H-A-T:

Ultimate LP12 Tuning