Looking for brighter tubes

Attention tube heads: I'm looking for brighter (more treble...not higher amounts of glow and chrome) tubes, if they exist. My amp (Jolida JD502P) has a well regarded bunch of Russian Tung Sol 6550s and 12AX7/12AT7s but I'm wondering if there's anything out there that imparts more sizzle in this amp. I do like the amp as it is...but hey..."rolling rolling rolling, keep them tubeys rolling...
I'm still only a third or so of the way through the "break in" period of my amp (300 hours...gives me a reason to live!), after which I'll be more able to decide what, if anything, needs sonic tweaking. The dude who designed the amp is a fan of old tubes like the Phillips Miniwatt, etc., so it will be interesting to see what this stuff sounds like.
I went as far as completely rebuilding one.
Only the trannies are left original.
Not sure if Jolida Maryland simply changed Kung Pao caps to Mushu caps.
But mine went as far as V-caps and Mundorf SGO.
Hexfred Diodes, Low ESR Panasonic or Nichicon Filter caps,
replacing gain and driver stage filter caps to Solen or VALAB, triode mode, and reconfiguring gain stage all contribute to a much more musical and open sound.
Much more effective then burning money on tubes (MANY so called Telefunken and Siemens tubes out there are fake)
Tung Sols... this brand is long gone. All you are getting is New Sensor Reflecktor Sovteks.
I have the Black Sable EL 34 and the Shuguang Treasure Series 6CA7, which I am currently using. The Black Sables brighten; the Shuggies dampen slightly. For punk, industrial etc. the Black Sables have more headroom. For Blues, Classical, everything else, the Shuggies are Fab.

Used with ASL AQ 1003DT & de Capo's.
I just bought a Jolida jd-502p My self about two months ago and hell yes tube rolling is fun.the first tubes I changed were the tong sol 6550's to the new production gold lion kt88's. They are not only brighter but have a better extension top to bottom and every thing is more separated with a more defined sound stage. then I moved on to the 12ax7 slot I tried some RCA JRC- 5751WA good top end but no bass at all ended up with some JJ ECC83S gold pins good overall top to bottom but lack a little sparkle in the top end so still looking I have some EI elite gold pins on order. as for the the 12at7's I ended up with some nos mullards cv4024 they are good and quite nice top to bottom and maintain nice sound stage and separation
Hi Wolf I don't have a Jolida but I do have an Octave V70Se which uses a single 12ax7 for an input and a pair of 12at7's for drivers. It came stock with a Sovtek 12ax7 and Rca 12at7wa's. For my taste the Sovtek was too bright. I also have the Russian TS 12ax7 re-issue which also is a tad bright. I needed to calm that down a bit and I like the Rca 5751's. I just received some Brimar Cv4024's and haven't tried them yet.

As far as sizzle my favorite combo so far is very expensive but unreal. Eat KT88 diamonds Gec A2900/CV6091's with the Rca 5751. With that combo the highs just sparkle. That being said I have had just horrible luck with the Eat's. Out of a quad and pair I only have 3 that are stable. I did buy them used so and they are the early versions with just the top getter and read that they were pretty unreliable. I just had to hear them and they are that good (when they work). But I did get 250 hrs of pure enjoyment. I have some vintage Gec KT88's and vintage KR Audio branded Tesla's ordered because they are supposed to be very Eat like sounding. Also as far as the Gec a2900/Cv6091 they are a high gain driver that really mates well with high transconductace tubes like Eat - vintage Gec KT88's - Ei Kt90's type 2 - Shuguang Treasure Z's and possibly the new Shuguang Psvane and TS KT120's.

Caution Tube rolling can be addictive and expensive. Yes Im a tubeaholic hehe. Tu Be or not Tu Be