Amp for Verity Parsifal encore

I just got a pair of used mint Verity Parsifal Encores. One of the last pairs made before the Ovations. I am driving them with my Belles amp and preamp which are very impressive. I am starting my homework for upgrades of my phono, pre and power amp. I am also looking at simplifing my system, reducing wires and components to just CD player and Turntable. I also just got a new Naim CDX2 as a cdp upgrade. I am considering strongly the Aesthetix Janus stock or signature as full function pre, possible atlas power amp. I have heard the Nagra PSA with the Parsifal ovations and was very impressed. I am not in a big hurry and am only looking for others thoughts and comments that I will investigate. Thanks.
Tvad, that is the plan for now, to stick with the belles which is no big sacrafice. I do know that these speakers have more to offer however and sometime next year I will make the next big upgrade. I have thought about a second 150A but if I stay with the belles will probably move to their new statement line. Another option would be a Ref. 350A. I would prefer however to avoid monoblocs in the pursuit of simplification. On my long list is the Pass 250.5, Nagra PSA, Sim W7. I think that there are other options however that I may not be aware of that have strong advocates that would be worth pursuing.
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The new belles amps (just heard the 500w mono's) are stunning. They would be a great choice for the Verity's.
I preamped my Parsifals with an Aestetix Janus, and the sound was superb. Detailed and rich (but not syrupy). I first ran Cary V12s and now Parasound JC1s.

This very Janus is now for sale on Audiogon.

Happy holidays.

I also own one of the last pair of Parsifal Encore's made before the transition to the Ovations. I bought them as dealer demo's in 08/05. I have since driven them with a BAT VK-600SE amp, Jeff Rowland Model 6 monoblocks, BAT VK-75SE amp modified by Bob Backert, and currently with a VAC Avatar Super integrated amp. IMHO, my Parsifal's sing best with tubed equipment.

I won't lie and say the VAC integrated amp is better than my ARC Ref 3/ Walker Signature phono stage and modified BAT VK-75SE, but it is fairly close, and for quite a bit less $$$. The Aesthetix Janus and the Atlas may be quite a pair, I have not heard the Atlas, but the Janus is a good preamp for the $$$. I would just suggest that you try a full tube amp, be it a pair of Quicksilver V4 monoblocks or an ARC Ref110 stereo amp. For my money, I would recommend a tube amp, even if it is a 'tricked out' integrated amp like my VAC Avatar loaded with Telefunken and Genelex tubes.

Happy Holidays,
