How often should you re-calibrate your ears?

I went to see a jazz quartet last night in an intimate setting. It had been waay too long since I've been out to experience live music. Sitting at home listening to music and critiquing the accuracy of the recording is really worthless if you don't periodically experience a true reference...... a live event.

The experience provided me with some sorely needed perspective. I am now of the belief that twice a year is the minimun those in this hobby should experienc a live musical event of the type of music you listen to on recordings.

I now know I have been far too dependent on recorded music for too long. Live is still where it's at.
Kinsekd: That's great--but watch out, they may come after you to be a trustee if you give too much!!! We're fortunate here in NJ to have the NJ Performing Arts Center in NY with a very fine hall. It really shouldn't, in theory, make that big a difference in my enjoyment of the music (after all, it is the same music I love and played well by the same musicians), but it really does, as there are many seats in Avery Fisher Hall, for example, that make the musical experience almost unpleasant. When are they supposed to finish the construction?
I go to at least twice a month to see various live shows, some times they are amped sometimes not. I also play the drums almost everyday, no speaker can reproduce those dynamics, or source for that matter.
To all above who have posted:

From a music teacher............Thank you.

Keep supporting the performing arts!

all my best

If live were still where it's at, we'd be accessing ticketron instead of audiogon.

Like everyone else you are certainly entilted to your opinion. I'm curious though - to what, or, to whom, do you listen on your system?