Simaudio MOON LP5.3 RS or 300LP?

This isn't really a question I'm asking - more a point of interest.

I just purchased the 5.3RS and in the manual there's some blurb about the RS designation means a higher grade of PCB and capacitors are used.

To my surprise, on reading the review of the 310LP the exact same phrase was used - suggesting that was why the new model was introduced.

Pics of the internals also look identical

Now I'm not saying they are the same electronics, but is seems it might be possible?

Now the kicker - the MSRP for the 310LP is around $1800
The 5.3RS ? - I got it for $1350 !

Just in case fellow members are looking in that direction :-)

It sounds real nice as well, especially with a quality power cord - probably don't need the seperate power supply that they promote.

Back to the tunes :-)
I, like you, looked at the pics and decided that they had exactly the same circuit, the odd component was different, but that just might be new stock. So bought the 5.3 and psx second hand ( for the price of the 310 alone). It is hard to believe that the 310 is better sounding. The 5.3rs is just spectacular, and i think would be hard to beat without spending 10 to 20 times the price. I could not fault it, and there is nothing I am missing that makes me want to try something else, except a second input:) Can't say I have tried it without the optional power supply though.
Dinster - glad you are liking your 5.3 - are you using the stock power cord on the power supply?

"Bill", sorry missed your question, no I use Oyaide Tsunami from my "Hydra Killa" (home made "Hydra" distribution box. I have acquired a AudiaFlight phono stage, (should arrive in a few weeks) really "pressured" into it after I showed some interest, and was given a deal I just couldn't walk away from. In a few months after it is run in, I will let you know how the Sim fares against it. I don't think it is going to beat the Sim though:)
Dinster - post you impressions of the AF here - it will be interesting to see how it compares.

It looks like a very nice phono and should outperform the Sim based on price - the reviews are very positive.

I've just finished burning a new power cable on my Sim and it is now starting to perform to the level I expected. So I'm pretty happy right now.

I'm sure Simaudio will correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the RS designation was originally applied to amps made to European standard i.e. using unleaded solder. When it was first used, they were still using "tin/lead" in the U.S.

There's no fundamental superiority in using unleaded compliant comps, just increased risk of dendrites and consequent short circuits if the amp is improperly manufactured.
I've been using an I-7RS for 7 years and it has performed admirably and reliably. (Hope that wasn't the kiss of death :)