Start over--HiFi rig ---clean slate

I'm interested in the thoughts of this forum.
All seem to be well read and informed.


Cost would be a variable and you were to pick the pinnacle of your desires,(& hopefully listened to them) what would it be: Speakers,amp,preamp & source

The format:
1) speaker brand and name
2) amp
3) preamp
4) source

My wish:
1) Thiel cs3.7
Add two velodyne DD-15 subs
2) Devaliet 400 mono-2 ( not listened to)
3) above
4) computer audio- mac with amarra symphony & Dirac IRC

It is a sound strategy to buy components that are more integrated our of the box if one aspires to top notch performance but is not certain about how to mix and match to achieve it.

A good modern example is the new Dynaudio Xeo product line, where everything needed for top notch performance is integrated right into the speakers.
The point to buying integrated products is that there's less mixing and matching to do. I think we're all in the habit of tinkering with the stuff, but it's not necessary for good sound if that's what you're after.

I was also concerned that there would be less room for sonic adjustments without all the expensive interconnects, additional gear to buy etc. But the integrated gear has the advantage of only and perfectly matching to itself. Get the one or two other pieces right and you've got great sound.

The Xeo and other powered speakers are another good way to achieve this, and was the direction i was going until I heard (got a deal on) the Wadia.

you will not need (2) DD-15 subs. Instead, (1) REL of any size -these are the very best, most musical sub(s) on the market. Everything else does not compete! Keep us posted and Happy Listening!

I like your comments 

I like CJ
I like Pass
I like CS2.7
I like subs

i just did the Pass Lab xa30.5

holy crap! what a difference from class d amps?

next is a CJ pre

& A CS2.7 or Treo CT

have you upgraded you system ?
take pics


Depends very much on the room, but I would start with about $1,000 of acoustic panels and bass traps from GIK Acoustics, and work my way out from there. :)

Speakers, if I had to buy them instead of make them, Monitor Audio, Gryphon and Marten would be on my short list. Also possible Sanders Sound. I know this covers a lot of ground and price points.

Subwoofers: Sure, Velodyne is good, Hsu is cheaper and since I like to have a lot of control, I'd rather have a pair of Hsu's and do my own EQ with a miniDSP unit. But this is in an ideal situation. In a living room / family room type of setup, a sub at all might be too much.

Amps: Conrad Johnson Premier 8’s, Ayre, Parasound or ICEPower/Hypex based amps. Depends.

Preamp: Ayre, Audio Research Reference, Sonic Frontiers, Conrad Johnson or Parasound. Would have to listen again. :) I"m out of touch. What I miss a lot really are good tone controls.

Source: I’ve heard several DAC’s driven by a Mac Mini that sounded less than stellar, so I would probably avoid a Mac as a source. I’d love to try the Auralic Aries, but it has no Android app, so that’s a no go. For now, I’d stick with a PC and Squeezelite, or even a Rasberry Pi as my source for my music library and streaming. I can spend a lot more, but damned if I can find a product I feel really deserves my cash. I usually just feel insulted.

Right now I’m really loving my Mytek DAC, and given it’s range of compatability I’d probably stick with it. I might try a 3 Mytek stack for 6 channel DSD or movies though. :)

Cables: Solid silver core, silver Neutrik connectors or Cardas. Made in home. For speaker cables, I’m using cheap stranded copper and staying with it. Everything else has to revolve around them. :)

