Audible Illusions Modulus 3 Audio Research SP-11

Hello folks out there,

I have heard many consider the Audible Illusions Modulus 3 as their reference piece against the Audio Research Sp-11 or Sp-15.

Does anyone own both of these preamps and can tell me if the Audible Illusions Modulus 3 is really that good?
I have heard it almost beats any top preamp out there.

It seems to me that nobody can describe the sound or make any direct suggestions.

I have heard the SP-11, SP-10 and Sp-15 as wel, but it seems that some folks still say that

the Modulus 3 has

- a quieter background
- better details
- better focus background info is pressed to the foreground( that was basically what I was looking for)
- no bubbled edges
- Tubey in terms of depth, but not warmth

Can anyone make some statments about the sound how he or she thinks about this after having had a comparrision with those units.
@ Mofimadness: Did the Audio Research really sound so much better? or was it just becouse Audible Illusions had bad service?
Arc gear really does sound good. I'd be hard pressed to think anything could clearly trounce it unless one prefers some special flavor.
09-24-14: Stefanovitch
It eats tubes?

Normally tubes in preamps are uncrictical? How often you did them raplce?
Stefanovitch (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

My friend would replace them every 1 to 1.5 years He would use it around 2 to 3 hours a day.
It's common knowledge that they eat tubes.

More talk on it over here.

Cheers George
I owned a Modulus 3 years back. It sounded good but not better than my TAD Signature 150 preamp. Came with a brand new set of National 6922 tubes (not factory recommended I know). They were fried within 200 hours of use. What a tube eater. Sold it and never looked back. I question a tube circuit design that runs the tubes at their absolute limit. Not a good design regardless of how good it sounds. How are you suppose to swap tubes when the majority of brands can't be used. I tried contacting AI via phone calls and/or emails. Never did connect or get a response.