What makes Telefunken tubes sound better?

I've reached the point in sampling 12AU7 tubes below $100 per tube where I'm having to buy tube crates to keep the pairs I've sampled. I've tried NOS and new, but out of all I end up back with Telefunkens as having the least distortion and fastest transient response. Yet the Telefunken internals are not the best materials/quality; NOS Mullard CV4003 or the new Gold Lions have higher build quality for materials and precision.

Are there links somewhere that talk to what is different for the internal design/construction of a Telefunken tube? I'd like to support newer tube manufacturers based on educated consumerism, and hope that we can get someone to replace Telefunken at an affordable cost before NOS stock is no longer an option.
Jafreeman, there are those who would argue that the government's interference in survival of the fittest has actually widened the gulf and is additionally adding to the demise of the middle class.

We have more poor people post "great society" than we did before. Motivation to enter the lowest rung of the ladder, from which one can then rise through hard work and discipline, has been moderated by social "safety nets" that have made it attractive to stay out of entry level jobs.

If you pay people not to work, people won't work. The gulf widens. Well intentioned safety nets protect people from their own bad decisions. Survival of the fittest requires that people take an occasional mugging from reality. Removing that pain is compassionate in the short term, but really represents an unwise patronization of a segment of the bell shaped curve.

I have a huge heart. I used to be a liberal. It does't work.
This discussion reminded me of a few telefunken label classical records I have that I have always liked.

WHat are others impressions of music released over teh years on Telefunken? That's a label I think I need to own more of.

ALso I tend to agree with BRownsfan, however my Judeo-christian upbringing makes it difficult for me to see and accept the struggle of others.
Schubert, I am slowly developing a theory that the peculiar characteristics of German culture and worldview, as those of us who grew up and lived in the 20th century came to know it, are due primarily to one historical event. The 30 Years War. Comments?
You can believe it or not, class divisions are MUCH more restrictive in USA than Germany.
A German child born in the working class has 3 times the chance of rising to the middle class than one born in the USA.
As some have pointed out I was referring only to the training system in Germany , nothing more.
But if it makes you happy I will say Germany is a better country because the simple truth is it is. MUCH better.
Telling the simple , objective truth is not anti US BS .

Fan, German historians usually say 30years war, Luther, Bismark and the political divide between the conservative agrarian Catholic south and the less religious workers in the north.
After 2 total economic collapses in a decade Hitler got only 29% of the vote in "Red Berlin" and even less in Hamburg. They have been well researched studies done that estimate he would have got 40% in Milwaukee.
Biggest popular myth is Germany started WW 1, while there is plenty of blame to go around , both France and Russia were more culpable than Germany.
WW II was just round 2 and that would not have occurred without Clavin Coolidge's decision to keep bleeding Germany to death as French pleas to stop fell on deaf ears.