Best Integrated amp for my ProAc

Could you let me know that a Best Integrated amp for my ProAc Tablette Anniversary, please.

source: Vinyl, LINN DS
Speaker:ProAc Tablette Anniversary
PreAmp:Rega Phono, LINN WAKONDA
PwrAmp:LINN LK140
TT:Rega RP6
No- but I'd sure venture to say LM Audio would be worth a look. I'm much liking the 211IA with my Spendors.
ProAcs go well with tube amps. Cary has some good ones.

If you insist on solid state, a more tubey sounding solid state amp like the Pass Aleph 3 would work, but that is a basic amp, not integrated.
Tubes, Tubes and more Tubes. I am using an Ayre AX7 that has sounded a TON better than my Quicksilver tubes did for years. I have heard the Rogue that sounds great, but AR is a great tube integrated for the Proacs. You should call Johnny Rutan at Audio Connections in NJ as he is a Proac dealer and sells Rogue, Carey, Rega, Ayre, NAD and a few others. He'll be able to hear what you like to listen to, what type of room you have and then help walk you through cabling and integrateds. He may even have a store demo to sell (you never know). I know others on this forum swear by him and he's my new go to guy. I"m even using him to help sell off my gear right now. Good luck and please keep us posted.