Your favorite recent discovery

What Group or Artist have you discovered in the last few months? Doesn't have to be a new artist, just new to you.
Looking for some ideas.
ogsarg is real nice, albeit a bit scary(to the pocketbook) to find a thread with a whole bunch of suggestions and not be familiar with any of them.

I have some exploring to do!

Thanks to all.
The Gibson Brothers. This is a country/bluegrass band. The album is called "A Long way back home." Great music, great recording.
Marko, Thank you for the tip! I'll check into it immediately and sorry about taking so long to respond, I'm just now am getting back to this thread... Tonto Yoder just clued me into another excellent band along the same lines, Trial of the Bow. I've been playing "Rite of Passage" quite often for the last two days!

The Bad Plus. Didn't know quite what to make of them, but very enjoyable stuff. I would imagine they're much better live, but the cd becomes more and more likable with repeated listening.