Von Schweikert 4jr cables?

I need to buy cables for my 4jr. This will be a long run (16'), so I some cables that I could afford for a short run will be too expensive for this length. I'd also like to biwire, since VSA recommends that so highly, and this of course will add to the cost. Right now I have a pair of Golden Tube SE40s used as monoblocks for 80 watts per channel, but I may experiment later with more powerful amps.

Any suggestions? Thanks!
Contact Paul Garner at Von Schweikert. He makes his own brand of cables called Verbatim, and they mate wonderfully with VSA speakers. His speaker cables are a ribbon design and sound absolutely top-rate. They're reasonably affordable too. Worth looking into.
Why not consider longer interconnects and short speaker cable? A good pair 16ft ICs are going to be much less expensive that good biwire speaker cables.
I'm running AudioQuest CV-6 double bi-wire to my Jr's. I'm getting a larger soundstage and more transparency compared to the Analysis Plus Oval 12's I had before. Are you happy with the sound of your current cable/amp/speaker combo?