Best monitors under $5,000/system combos

I want to build a new system around a high quality small monitor. I'm thinking of the SF Cremona Audtor, the Dynaudio Special 25, or the De Capio MM i. I also want to keep the electronics small but high quality. I'm open to tubes, but prefer the simplicity of solid state.

I live where little gear is avaiable. We have an AR dealer who sells Pro Ac, and a Classe dealer who sells B&W. There is also a dealer who sells Bryston and PMC.

I'm leaning toward the SF speakers with Carey tube amps, or if I go solid state, the Pass 150.5 and a Pass preamp.

I know this is a very broad question, but if there is someone who can point to me in one direction or another (either to or away from something), I'd be grateful.

I listen mostly to piano music, opera, and chamber music of all sorts. Once in a while some jazz. I also listen to coral music of all sorts. Seldom any rock.

I just sold a system consisting of Bryston electronics, MG 3.6R speakers, a Oracle Delphi table.

Thanks everyone.

Try Wilson Benesch Arc's. I've had them in my system for 8 months and love em.
I think there's a bit of confusion: are you looking to spend $5000 on the speakers alone, or the whole system?
I have not heard it, but it is my understanding that the recently released Dynaudio C1 monitor is superior to the Special 25 and the best stand-mounted monitor speaker that Dynaudio has made.

It costs more than the Special 25, but I do not know how much.
Thanks for the comments. To clarify, the $5K is for the speakers alone. Looks like I need to hear the Caravelles, which I did not know about before your posts. Everything I read and hear tells me that the Cramona Auditors are also very lovely. I can hear the CA's in Chicago. Can the Caravelles be found in the mid-west?
I can't recommend a particular amp, but you should strongly consider the Green Mountain Audio "Callisto" speakers (around $2300/pair). A good tube amp would make for a stunning combination.