Best speaker cable and interconnect for Thiel 7.2?

Soundstage review recommends MIT and Transparent. Any comments or suggestions, including what definitely does not work?
Cardas is a perennial favorite with Thiel. I have had great success with Audience AU24, though with a different model of Thiel. As always, compatiblilty with the rest of your system and your personal preferences are most important.
I have heard my CS3.6's with very high end MIT cables, and interconnects, and the results were very impressive. However, with the lower end MIT speaker cables, I was less impressed. I swapped out a pair of AVt3's for Cardas Neutral Reference (and I know, I should have compared the Cardas to the AVt1's), and was very happy with the switch. I have heard AVt1's versus AVt3's, and the difference between the AVt3's and the Neutral Ref was much larger. I am still working out just what interconnects work best for me.

Cardas Golden Cross (for warmth) or Cardas Golden Reference (less warm a little more detailed than Golden Cross). Thiels have an affinity for Cardas that is amazing. Like Dan I've also heard Audience AU24 used to good effect.