TRL or VSEI Level 4 for Sony S9000ES

For what seems to be called redbook CD, I take the digital out from the Sony through the DACs in the Proceed PDSD, becuase this gives a more open and transparent sound and better sountstage than using the Sony DACs. For SACD, of course, the output from the Sony is analog, and uses Sony's internal pulse-width DACs. The redbook CD and SACD sounds are a bit different, perhaps the SACD might be warmer, the redbook CD more detailed.

I really like the Sony S9000ES , and am wondering about having it modified by TRL or VSEI. There seems to be a substantial difference in cost. Your thoughts, preferences, or recommendations would be appreciated.

I would speak to Paul about the best use of your Sony. The reason he recommended me to use the Alesis as a transport is that the original board in the unit prevented TRL from implementing many of the mods they like to perform on the analogue section They were able to clean up and according to Paul, "make the analogue section listenable," but buy and large the real effort went into the digital stage. As an aside Paul mentioned their work with Intel helped with those mods (of course he would not elaborate further). Many of the other Sony mods that TRL has done have allowed their owners to forego a DAC, so you should verify this with him.

Yes, definitely chat with Paul. The redbook may be able to be enhanced dramatically and you will maybe not need a DAC. You can always A/B them when you get the unit back.
They also allegedly do wonders with the video sections.
Have fun!