TRL or VSEI Level 4 for Sony S9000ES

For what seems to be called redbook CD, I take the digital out from the Sony through the DACs in the Proceed PDSD, becuase this gives a more open and transparent sound and better sountstage than using the Sony DACs. For SACD, of course, the output from the Sony is analog, and uses Sony's internal pulse-width DACs. The redbook CD and SACD sounds are a bit different, perhaps the SACD might be warmer, the redbook CD more detailed.

I really like the Sony S9000ES , and am wondering about having it modified by TRL or VSEI. There seems to be a substantial difference in cost. Your thoughts, preferences, or recommendations would be appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by lkdog


I would email Paul at TRL and see if they have done any of these units or what his thoughts might be on it. He knows Sony units quite well.
I have had TRL do two digital sources (Sony 595 and Marantz SA14), as well as an integrated amp (Musical Fidelity A300).
All of the mods created excellent musical results.

I am sure the VSEI mod is also very good but I have not had the pleasure of hearing one.
Both good options for you I am sure.
Good Luck.

Yes, definitely chat with Paul. The redbook may be able to be enhanced dramatically and you will maybe not need a DAC. You can always A/B them when you get the unit back.
They also allegedly do wonders with the video sections.
Have fun!