Straightwire Serenade to Crescendo comparison

has anyone compared Straightwire Serenade to Crescendo?
what were the differnces ?

thank you,

Like I stated in my previous post, it is an outstanding product at a great price. I used to recommend the Crescendo's just as much, but I found something that is better and cheaper, so why not tell people about it. My speaker cables are Kimber Select 3035's, but just about everyone knows of these cables and of them being one of the best cables on the market. If at some point someone told me that there is a better cable out there at 1/3 the price, that would peak my interest enough to make me want to try them. I also put in most of my posts that V.I. offers a 30 day money back trial, what have people really got to lose by trying V.I.'s cables.
That is one of the things that I asked Al, owner of V.I. about and he told me that he was still working on prototypes at this time.