I need a bright detailed 300 used speaker cable

I recently purchased a pair of Silverline SR 12's and find them toooo polite, soft, and rolled-off in the treble when using Linn LK20's. I need 12 ft or longer, and would prefer a bi-wired pair with bananas, but I can live with single-wiring. I've heard that Nordost might fit the bill.


Sarah, by suggesting the Goertz / Alphacore cables, i assume that you found them to be bright ? Sean
I can second Seans' suggestion of the red dawn, having owned a pair....lean and detailed, tilted up a bit to my ears[ultra detailed].....I would imagine they would sing on tubes....good luck.
Hi Sean--yes I thought the Alpha Core were brighter than the Analysis Plus Oval 9's! I know others' experience differs.
Kimber Kable 8tc is zippy and detailed. Can be internally biwired as well. Used, easily within your budget.
I like the Nordost (Blue Heaven) as well. Often people do not mention the amazing bass these have. You want a very good source with these as they can sound a little thin in the high end otherwise, (as opposed to bright - to my ears).