Tired of SS amp.

Going back to tubes,the pass x 350 is a great amp but just isint it. Any thoughts on amps.Monos only.Connsidering ?
Cary 211m, Atmasphere Ma 1 mk2,Lamms ml1,Conrad Johnson Pr.5 or 8s.
With your Wadia and your Dunlavy's, another good match is the bat VK60 monos or the new VK150 monoblocks.
It looks to me like you can use a good tube preamp. There are many choices out there. Best of Luck! Gary
In my experience a tube front end (pre-amp) with ss back end (amp) is a wonderful combination. My only experience has been with CJ, I currently have a premiere 17 and am totally satisfied. I replaced a ss pre-amp with the CJ tubed pre-amp while maintaining my ss amp; the results were amazing. I then replaced my ss amp with CJ tubed amp and while the results were good; I felt the pre-amp by far made the biggest improvement. I would recommend that you try a tube pre-amp with the pass amp before replacing the amp.
I'm quite happy with my Cary sli80 integrated, more than happy, Im in love. (speakers Shearwater HR's)