Cable Elevators

Just curious if anyone is using cable elevators and what changes they brought about. I have read there are benefits to having cables raised off the carpet.
pbb, another sophomoric arguement...

How about EMI and RFI, the amount of radio siganl is minimal, why would it affect the signal inside an enclosed cable???

Just for the sake of us mere mortals who have not conducted the exhaustive studies which you have in regard to this topic, can you please let us know the cable elevators you used, the kind of flooring involved, the time frame of these experiments, and the quantitaive results you discovered.

Thank you in advance for being the great man of science you obviously are... DA!



My understanding is that the weight of the cable literally "squishes" (yes, that's a scientific term) the electrons beneath the cable, pinning them to the floor and sometimes actually buising them. Would you want to bruise your electrons, I surely wouldn't.


And what accredited group of grant-awarded, scientific research-Poindexters wrapped their brains around YOUR exhaustive studies for theorem verification? Surely you retain some form of absolute scientific proof other than the typical, endless deluge of unsubstantiated/unverified opinions?
It is interesting to me how a topic such as this induces so many rude and discourteous comments from so many people.

What happened to the notion that this was a forum in which people sharing the same enjoyment of this hobby could have some civil conversations sharing experiences? Count me as disappointed in the level of discourse occurring in this thread.
I for one could not abide a cable that is unable to shield itself from the static electricity built up in carpets or rugs.
My prefrence for cables
excellent connection
shield for rfi/emf/microwaves,etc.
low capictane/resistance
skin effect
once you get the basiscs right I am far more intereted in voodoo claims.
IMO a cable that is picking up static from the carpet should be rejected out of hand.