looking for interconnect under 200 dollars

looking for interconnect that has a nice soundstage with tight bass and decent midrange for under 200 dollars. Is there one out there or is this just a crazy pipedream.
(http://www.audioreview.com/cat/cables/interconnect-cables/kimber-kable/hero/PRD_116466_5827crx.aspx) (http://www.soundstage.com/upton07.htm) (http://www.hometheaterhifi.com/volume_5_1/kimberhero.html) (http://www.polkaudio.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39679) They were the first Kimber product that I'd personally tried. They performed so well that I progressed through the rest of the kimber lineup to my present Kimber KS-1130 usage.
Cables aren't going to create a
nice soundstage with tight bass and decent midrange
Speakers, amp, preamp, and source create this. Anyone who tells you that cables will magically transform your system is smoking crack. I haven't heard any *dramatic* differences with cables. Just get something decent, but don't obsess over them. Kimber, Siltech, Van den Hul, Signal, Alpha Goertz, Cardas.. they're all good.
Anyone who tells you that cables will magically transform your system is smoking crack.
I think of it from a different perspective. It is not so much that a cable can magically transform a system but rather that so many cables out there can instantly destroy the capabilities of a top-tier system.

Many of the cables recommended here are indeed good. But when you get to the top tier performing systems where the focus is midrange textures, natural decays, portrayal of space, etc., such cables quickly show their subtractive nature.