rca plugs - comparisons?

anyone test or compare rca plugs on identical cables, noticed diffences or improvements? top wbt and eichman rca's have "new and improved" designs, are they better, or just different? is it worth the expense to change/upgrade the plugs on a decent older cable or specify the expensive wbt's, where it is optional?
I have compared Eichmann Silver, Cardas Silver, WBT Nextgen Silver, and Xhadow silver on a custom made cable. Result:

Not much of difference! Why, because you must consider the jacks of the gear. Many components use cheap Chinese gold/brass jacks. It is the total interface connection that matters. I did try Nextgen plugs and Nextgen jacks and there is a difference in sonic quality.
Very good point, Sonic_Genius! Our gear in those tests mentioned didn't however. Our jacks were premium ones. Should have mentioned that.
Sonic_genius, could it be that all those you tested really are roughly equivalent, and the Nextgen jacks would have improved them all about equally?
a connector that i like a lot is the neutrik pro-fi spring loaded rca connector.
I like plugs that I can tighten for maximum contact. One should on occasion remove the cables to service that contacts to remove any oxidation, etc. This might be the best thing you can do, and it is free.