Signal vs. Audio Art vs. Speltz Anti? Need help...

I'm looking to get an interconnect cable (between int. amp and cd player) and speaker wire at a budget. Has anyone compared two or all three of these brands? Has anyone heard anything better at the $100 and under range outside of these brands (that has compared them to any of these brands)?

I'm intentionally not mentioning what my system comprises (partially because I haven't bought the components yet), but mostly because I'm just looking for general comparisons and otehr people's experiences. Also, to circumvent anyone trying to tell me that it's all individual based on my system, I understand that, and for those who want to tell me to audition them first, I just don't have the patience for it. I just want to buy some cables based on general recommendations. If I'm really unhappy with them, I can try and upgrade or switch later on. No offense anyone, just being honest and trying to keep things simple. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Clean smooth sound not a bunch of depth, yes the Anti ic's do work good. Definetely a bargain even with Eichmann's. Break in time is very critical with these. At least 150 hours on that solid core magnet wire.
After reading this thread, I ordered a set of AA IC-3, will be comparing them to some interconnects I have on hand:

Speltz anti-ic with standard connectors
Tara Labs RSC prime(this set is from maybe 10 years ago)
Better Cables entry ic

I did see in the Audiogon review of the IC-3s a recommendation for a rather lengthy break-in before the sound is good, while they felt the IC-1 really sounded good right away.

What has been some of your experiences with the IC-3 regarding break in?

My biggest single audio improvement goal is to improve the intelligibility of the dialog in movies. My wife and I both have some hearing loss, and we have a devil of a time understanding dialog in movies. I am hoping the IC-3 will have an edge in dialog over the Speltz or IC-1.
mtrot, did you get rob to burn them in? it will shorten the time required for you to burn them in. when i first got in audio art cables i had ic-1's and ic-3's on hand at the same time. the ic-3's had more detail, better bass, more of a silent background and very dynamic. the overall sound was very balanced and they just sound like music.

No, I didn't think to request burn in. I've not ever really noticed cables sound quality changing that much over time. But I am hoping I will find the cable I am looking for in terms of the price/sound quality ratio. Especially since I need a bunch of them between sources and from pre/pro to power amp.
Well, I've been A/B comparing the AA IC-1 and IC-3 for several days now. I probably have around 10 to 15 hours on the IC-3. Maybe it has something to do with my 50+ year old status, but I am having a real hard time hearing much difference. In the mid-range, I may actually prefer the IC-1.

I have the IC-1 connected to the front L/R multichannel input, while the IC-3 are connected to the MD/DAT input and selecting "analog direct". That way, I can switch rapidly between them.