Rega owners

RP1 plus performance upgrades or RP3? I want to spend around $6-7 hundred but might be willing to go up to the RP3 if it is worth it. Thanks
Thanks. Right now I'm just trying to upgrade from a 1960's / 70's era Phillips that I got for $50 bucks. It actually doesn't sound too bad. The main reason for my question is whether A Rega 1 or 3 would be a substantial step up from where I am now? I'm not really a fast upgrader and feel my system is pretty good now, but think a modest phono upgrade is in order. I have a Odyssey Stratus extreme plus amp, Lazurus tube pre-amp, and Nestorovic 5AS speakers.
It seems the consensus is the RP 3 would give me way more than the RP1, correct?
Yes to the Rp3. If that old Philips table is working OK, buy a decent cartridge and buy records. Those old tables were actually quite good.
The arms on those old Philips TT's were junk, I owned several. ALL you need is an RP1 or a entry level Pro-ject from Audio Advisor.
Schubert, do you think the RP1 and a Ortofon Red would be a big upgrade from the Phillips?
I know it would . But first I would just go with the cart that comes with. You might just be fine with that.