Unbalanced hearing

Wondering if anyone has something similar, and how do you deal with it?
For several years at least (I'm in my 40's) I've had high frequency loss and mild tinnitus on the left side only. The right side tests perfectly. I assume its from noise exposure, but I have no explanation for it being one sided.
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Thanks for those responses. I've played with the balance control on my preamp, but it doesn't work for me in a satisfying way. I use a Deqx processer, but it doesn't allow for independent channel compensation. Bojack, can the Behringer boost the treble to one channel only? Even if it could, I wonder if that would mess things up for the good ear, as you mention.
Maybe I should stick a little cotton in the good ear.

Yes, the Beringer allows independent level and EQ of each channel, and it really does help my situation considerably. I also found that if, for example, you need 3dB of boost for the left ear, you should decrease the right channel by 1.5dB and increase the left channel by 1.5dB. This way, your good ear (in my case, right) is not hearing a 3dB boost in left channel information. I have 4 saved settings to accommodate a 1.5dB, 2dB, 2.5dB, and 3dB balance shift. I find that vocal recordings or anything with a clear center image requires 3dB, while I can get away with one of the other settings for orchestral or jazz. I find that even a slight change can make all the difference between enjoying listening and saying to hell with it. You can get the Beringers for a good price ($225-$250 used or a little more new), and they are very effective and completely transparent in my system.
I have been a hearing impaired person all my life, and an audiophile too. So, the first thing you need to do is find a good audiologist, one who works with musicians. From that person you need to get an expanded hearing test that will show visually exactly what the hearing curve of each of your ears are. From there you will know exactly what curve you would need to program into an EQ, of which there are many good ones in the market. Will it help? Don't know. Only from trying will you be able to tell if it meets your needs. At least from the hearing test you will have a strong point of being able to asses your hearing loss. Most audiophiles have never had a hearing test, even those said to have 'golden ears'. So, find out exactly what your hearing capabilities are.