Tracking force and Unipivot tonearms

I have a Benz Glider and the "recommended" tracking force is 1.8 to 2.2 grams. I am tracking at about 2.4 or 2.5 just to keep it in the grooves during hot peaks on some records. A audiophile friend told me it is not uncommon especially with unipivots to set tracking force at 10 percent or higher than the recommended tracking force. The cart sounds much more full, less sibilant and a more solid sound at the sacrifice of a less air at this heavier tracking force.

Has anyone else found it absolutely necessary to set tracking forces much higher than the recommended force? My friend said it will not damage the cartridge or records at 2.4 or 2.5 grams. He said I should not get hung up on recommended tracking force as all tonearms are different and that it is just the "recommneded" tracking force
Hey guys, my last post was fascitious (sp?). Yes, it's true that the JMW wand is a challenge to set up properly. And oftentimes, carty compatibility may be an issue, as per my older threads. But right now, I am running my Classic with a VPI Zephyr carty and the system sings.

Bill (Audiofeil), I sincerely appreciate that you have a lot of experience with a lot of differemnt tables and arms. But maybe I'm just lucky because my Zephyr is set up perfectly using the VPI jig (Baerwald gemetry) and an old protractor alignment kit that has a tiny bubble level tube. The bubble level tube enables me to set azimuth and VTA perfectly!

So yes, the JMW wand is a bit of a PITA, but once set up correctly with the right carty -- it sings. IMHO.
If you have the standard 9" tonearm, I would suggest getting Soundsmith's Counter “Intuitive” as this will decouple the azimuth and VTF adjustments.

The 9" signature tonearm has a set screw in the end of the armwand to allow you to fine tune the VTF without affecting azimuth. For this reason, I moved to the signature tonearm shortly after purchasing the standard tonearm. I will never again purchase another tonearm not having discrete adjustments.
lol. I guess a bullseye is inevitable. Yes and a lot of aggravation to say the least. I will keep everyone posted as time goes on. Right now, it is working well. Does it sound like my friends Zeta, no but considering what I paid for the table and arm, I cannot expect that. It does appear as though this arm is very sensitive to the cartridge used. For future reference, I would like to know who is having success with this arm and what cartridge are you using? I am sure Dynavector has to be one that will work as it is endorsed by VPI. Other's? Benz wood, Lyra, Etc. I friend told me that Lyra would not be a good choice for this arm. Any comments?
If you know how to set up the VPI, it is a top level arm. It is NOT a pain if you know what you are doing. You DON'T need the Counterintuitive if you know what you're doing. I have my 10.5i tracking a Benz Ebony LPS with NO difficulties what so ever. I never hear buzzing, distortion from one or either channel, hum etc..... nothing. If anyone has difficulty with their VPI arm, please write to me with your problem and I will answer....or get in touch with Harry and he will guide you.
I had the JMW9 sig but now the JMW10 which is very similar sounding. Very good luck with my Benz Ruby 3, Lyra Helicon and Sumiko Blackbird. Not so much Shelter cartridges.