TW-Acustic Raven 10.5 or DaVinci Grandezza??

Seems like a crazy question!
I am getting a Raven one but will have a choice of the Raven 10.5 or DaVinci Grandezza for just $2000 more! Which should I go for? Well I am not sure if Raven one is a good match to this super arm but the 10.5 have got great reviews. Please give soem advice.
I'm looking (like Luna) for the impressions of the Audiogoners about two tonearms (this is the reason that I'm in this tread).

Instead, we get great information about coil output, electrical behaviour, stylus alignment, asymuth,RIAA curve... Thanks.

Please, if someone have experience with TW Acustic 10.5 and DaVinci Grandezza (on Raven), let share his impressions. I consider and Phantom Ultimate, but it will be out of topic ;-)

Thank you in advance.
Taking about "out of topic", I once asked Dertoarm what tonearm should I get, DaVinci Grandezza or Phantom ? He told me to get Phantom, but I get the Grandezza. Why ? Because it looks so good.

Now the OP asked TW or Grandezza? And Derto choose Grandezza.
Hidden agenda? No, that just his opinion.

Am I right and he is wrong? I don't know , because I haven't try Phantom yet. But I'm grateful to him cause he took time to answer my email.

Dear Measel, you asked me between the Phantom and Grandezza - and made your decision based on looks.
Which is perfectly fine and the Grandezza is a nice tonearm with very aesthetic looks.
I recommended the DaVinci Grandezza here under different conditions and with a different contender.
And I did so based on performance, looks and prospective future value.
Enjoy your Grandezza.
I have listen to the DaVinci on various occasions in 4 set-ups of seasoned audiophiles and Audiogoners.
It was never an insult to my ears ..;-) ....
I have a Grand Grandezza 12" rhodium plated finish in my small collection.
It is not in use, but it sure looks beautiful.
Dear Lbelchev:

Regards and enjoy the music,
Like most things Italian, the Grandezza is simply gorgeous. "Simply" is the operative word, too. I am thankful that it is so expensive that I cannot be tempted to buy one. For 95,000 more US dollars, I can have a used Ferrari.