Lyra and VPI Scout

Do Lyra cartridges work well with VPI Scout? I had a Benz H2, sounded horrible, could never get it to track well. I think it is defective and Benz is not handling it. I am currently using a older Benz Glider high output, tracks great, same table and alignment tool, go figure. I have a new phono preamp (Xono) that will accept all kinds of cartridge loads and liked the way a Lyra sounded on my friends old Mission table with a Mechanic tonearm. My table and that one are not in the same league but I wanted to know of anyone else is using Lyra cartridges with the Scout. I was looking at either a Delos or a Helikon. I am not sure about the compatibility with a jmw 9 tonearm.
Just about 3 months ago, I abought a used VPI Scout that has a Lyra Argo cart on the tone arm. I might say the sound quality is superb and as an Oppo bdp 95 owner, the VPI Scout is much clearer sounding than my Oppo. But of course I'm using my McIntosh C2300 tube preamp that has a built in MM/MC phono stage. I've never enjoyed vinyl until I got VPI Scout with Lyra cartridge.
Yes...Lyra and VPI are a good match, but so is a Benz. If you still have yours and want to make it work, describe what you don't like about it.
I don't know if it's the Lyra cart but it doesn't seems to have good bass, mids and highs are like realistically crystal clear but my low end are kind of weak. Maybe it's just me or should I try the Benz?
I'm using a kleos sl with a classic 3, wondering if I should add damping fluid, anyone know?
Hi Jeff...If your cartridge isn't tracking well, sometimes damping fluid helps. Drop in 1 drop of the fluid - if it sounds better to you, drop another, test again, and another. There will come a time when the last drop deadens the sound. Remove that last drop and you're good to go. If that doesn't help, clean the area of damping fluid with a Q-tip. The Classic series normally has very good bass. You should use a very solid table to rest the turntable. I like to replace the VPI feet with Bearpaws (very large, solid brass cones)....very big improvement (especially in the mids, but an all around improvement). Double and triple check all your arm adjustments...make positive, your Classic is level. Almost every time I check MY arm I can make it a smidge better...well worth the trouble. You also may try lowering the rear of the tonearm, but be sure so readjust all your arm adjustments. I use a Benz, because FOR ME, it has a more "earthy, solid" sound. That is a personal evaluation though....try playing around with the Classic to more accomadate your likes before spending money on a new cartridge.