Hum...ZYX with Tom Evans Groove Need suggestions

Hi all, I need help with with hum I'm getting from my ZYX Airy 3 and Tom Evans Groove combo. Never had hum issues before with a number of other phono's I've had. The hum is louder on the left side than right, and if the Groove didn't sound so good I would've gotten rid of it. Thanks in advanced.
as GMC noted having the power supply in the wrong place will increase the hum. i found that out my self when rearranging my rack. problem solved by moving it around for the quietest location. good luck and enjoy the music
Yes, I have tried different interconnects with different geometries, the slight hum remains. A fellow on a different forum recommended that I open up and add another ground to the Groove which I have done but it didn't improve. I will probably be moving the Groove out and away from my audio rack all together, I currently have the power supply of my mono blocks and preamp in close proximity. I have heard others with hum issues with the Groove, wonder if they ever got it figured out.
I had the same problem with the Groove, although the sound was great. I later got rid of it and now own the Aesthetix Io Signature; which is a step up and no hum.
I bet your issue is with the power supply being too close. I had the same issue and when I moved the power supply further away the noise went away. I love the amp but hated the hum. Fixed now though. Good luck!