Walking Into A Brick & Mortar High End Audio Store

I am currently pretty satisfied with my system the way it is right now. I am not in the market for any new purchases right now, mainly because I don't have the discretionary income to make big changes. However, sometimes I get the urge to want to go into a hifi store just to look. Eventually I will upgrade my speakers, cd player, preamp, a new dac for sure and may give class D amps a shot...but not right now.

Is it cool to go into a store just to look around, knowing you don't have the money or immediate need for an item?
At Harvey Electronics not only you'd "pay full list", but probably overpay as well. It is B&M tho
The best option is B&H photo-video on 9th and 34th midtown NYC. They have great choice of pro-audio(and some high-end) and prices are lower vs. many internet retailers.
Also by walking there be Jewish and bargain!
Say what you want about the "grease balls" at guitar center but in my experience they are always welcoming and enthusiastic as well as down to earth vs the stick up the a%% stiffs at the HiFi shops who appear to only be concerned about making a sale. I guess the difference is the staff at guitar center are all muscisians passionate about music and it shows in their customer service.
I had gone in there a few months ago to check out some Adams monitors and the store was packed. Anyway the guy helping me was extremely gracious (tats and all) and spent almost an hour with me talking music and gear and It was a blast. During our conversation I asked him if it bothered them that so many people where in there playing the instruments and messing with all the gear with no intention of buying it and he looked at me and said "nah man we love this place we get paid to do what we love and when they have the money the always come back and buy it here"

Needless to say I did not buy any speakers that day but I have returned a few times since to buy some for my daughter, and per my recommdation a few friends have purchased Adams from there as well. Sure I could have got them cheaper online but why would I when the service is so good and the return policy is outstanding.

When such things existed, I did it so often, their regular customers thought I was one of the employees. After you get acquainted with the employees, they understand; how else can you learn about high end equipment? Who can afford to audition reference Audio Research? Where else can you swap high end stuff in and out? Remember, some of the employees can't afford that stuff either, and they know you'll buy when you get the cash.
My suspicion about the Guitar Center is that if you wanted to play a real 59 'burst (presumably at the LA store, not some outlet in the 'burbs) rather than a new, 'production' guitar, you might have to run the gauntlet.
CZ- nice, offensive and unnecessary comment about jews. But, don't let me stop you from continuing to express who you are.