Mint Tractor

I'm sorry, I apologize, please forgive me for doubting all of you who have told me of the need for the Mint Protractor. I got it today, and just did a quick check to find that the cartridge is indeed off set up with the VPI protractor that comes with the Supercout/10.5i. I read the directions and it is a very tedious, and slow going procedure, so I'll get back in a while and tell you if I hear any differences.
What is the effective length of your MintTractor Arc? I also have a JMW10.5i arm.


I spent some time with Doug(deacon) and Paul yesterday and I can report that the speaker integration and what I would call more "holistic" sound are there in spades. Now they also have new speakers (Diamond version B&Ws, 805d I think; replacing non-diamond 805s) so some of what I heard is undoubtedly a result of that change. But the somewhat "analytical" nature of their system has now tipped toward "relaxed" or musical. More precise imaging, wider soundstage, excellent pitch definition in the bass. BTW, we also found that their Tri-P/Univ arm/cart tracked the problem child new Norah Jones live LP just fine. I'm a big fan of hers, so I'm sorry to report that the recording, esp. the bass, is, well there's no other way to put it, TERRIBLE. Paul thinks it was the result of miking they used; I have not idea, but the bass drum esp. was powerful and ill-defined, but with almost a reverb quality to it. Just a gigantic "thump". NO skin, no air, just WHAM!
When you get yours, don't be satisfied with anything less than perfection. It pays off. The effective length for the 10.5 is 256 with 15mm overhang. It says that on the VPI website and is correct. I believe at one time the numbers were wrong, but it is correct now.
I bought the Mint LP protractor recently but have not been able to yet do an alignment. Right now I keep swtiching carts so frequently since I had to send my Strain Gauge cart back to Soundsmith for an extra styli to be fit.

I can't wait to get my system settled so I can do a proper alignment, and experience Yip's excellent product. He was also great to deal with via email.

The one shortcoming I find of this entire process, is that I find it difficult to easily see the stylus tip on the protractor. I am using a 10X lupe in reverse, the 6X magnifier provided by Yip, and another brand of 10X magnifier I bought from B&H.

I wonder if there is some type of tiny fiber optic lens that could get very close and allow viewing from 6-12" away or further.
Emailists..I wear reading glasses (father time is creeping up on me), and found that the supplied illuminated magnifier worked best without my glasses. I also have the 10x loupe which I found very difficult to focus with my eyes...others with younger eyes would probably benefit. To find the proper focus...put the magnifier near the cartridge, and move your head farther and closer until the image is clear.