Cartridges for Grace 707

What are some readily available cartridges that will mate well with a Grace 707 tonearm? I'll be mounting the arm on a Linn LP-12.

Thanks for the info.
The Shure V-15 series is always a safe and high value choice.

I'd also look at the products from Soundsmith. He offers some high compliance cartridges that should work well with the Grace.
Dear Rob: +++++ " The Shure M97xe is a possiblity.....Ideally I'd like to find a V15. " +++++

IMHO the M97xe is a " surprising " good performer and in many ways better than the V15.VMR that's overpriced and not worth about.

The Sonus Gold Blue is a better choice ( you can find it on ebay for no more than 170.00 ) and through what I experienced with three different Sonus cartridge ( including the Dimension 5 ) it is a reliable cartridge.

The ADC ones are very good too specially the Astrion ( hard to find ) but you could find the XLM III or XLM II improved that works fine.

Now if you want something great then you could go for the original ( NOS or second hand ) MMC2 B&O cartridge, you could find it through the web.

As a fact there are plenty of very good MM cartridges, the Ortofon OM40 super is another one even the Sumiko Pearl.

Regards and enjoy the music.
I don't know how the Shure sounds on the Grace, but it sounds pretty good on my Ittok/LP12 combo (even better than some HO MCs I tried). I also have a Grado 8MZ on a Grace 747/TD160S and it sounds wonderful. So much detail from a cartridge not known for it.