How Many Turntables Have You Owned

As for me... My first that I can remember was a Webcor - part of their Holidy package. then... Garrard, Benjamin Miracord, Dual, Bogen, Thorens TD 124, and 121, Rek o Kut, LinnSondek, Grado, Rega, SME, VPI... I probably have forgotten a few
B.I.C 980, Denon/Grace 747, Musical Fidelity M1. I now own a Basis Debut Gold , with updated motor and new speed control.
Sanyo,Garrard,Rega 3,Oracle Delphi,VPI 19,Goldmund Studio,RPM 2,Walker,Scheu/Eurolab,Nottingham,Bluenote-11 plus or minus.How about arms??
HA! I didn't think ANYONE had heard of Webcor...
"our" family 1st stereo turntable was a WEBCOR
My first table was a Garrard Belt drive model unknown
#2: Denon DD circa 1981
#3: Rega P-3 circa 1986
#4 Rega P-9 bought in 2002