SME 20/2 SME V or Triplanar VII?

I'm in the process of acquiring an SME 20/2 and I would like to know others' thoughts and experiences with deciding whether to arm it with the SME V or the Triplanar VII.
Ag insider logo xs@2xcipherjuris
Have any of you, especially Thom, had a chance to experience a Phantom? I have not heard it myself, of course, but I'm very impressed with the ease of its adjustments and I always liked the earlier Graham arms, most of which I heard on Basis tables.

Bob Graham says he did much of his design work on the Phantom on an SME 30/2. I'm not sure how much of it was done on unsuspended tables, so I will leave it to Thom to comment or speculate on the Phantom on Galibier or other unsuspended tables.

Best and as always thanks for the education I'm getting here.

Gladstone,sorry if I seemed a bit defensive.The Grand Prix does look "way cool",but c'mon,it's as itsy bitsy as the "Cello's window bikini babes' outfits",and they are asking twenty grand for it.It just looks a little pricey,but of course design developement can be used to diminish my comments(opinion,only).
Also,if you read about it,on the Pos Feedback site(I did),it REALLY could not have been TOO BIG a stretch for the reviewer(who admittedly has,and is thrilled with)to make an "itsy bitsy" comparison with his beloved Walker Proscenium table.Not a "peep" there.Where's Arthur Salvatore when you need him?We got stroked,there!!
What a "PUFF" piece,to state how wonderful the Grand Prix "seems",and not compare it to the Walker,sitting five feet away.
Can anyone say "marketing" shmooze?Condescending,to boot.We deserved a comparison.At least !!

Ed,To give a bit of insight as to your question,I have a nice Graham 2.2 that I love.A nice arm,like so many spoken of here!I am now familiar with the Phantom too,yet have not made any side by side comparisons.The Phantom is a superb arm,and is very well thought out.It will,most importantly, mate with a vast majority of cartridges we hear about.It is a better match to a wider variety of these cartridges,than the 2.2(which ain't chopped liver).
I don't believe it is as sensitive as the "fussy" 2.2 is,when it comes to the damping fluid,though I like to use this extra degree of fussiness to actually voice my front end,a bit.
The arm is very "substantial" and the bearing is really robust,and the bass is "apparently" on the "BOLD" side.YMMV!The magna-glide feature really works,especially if you have alot of non flat records(a good vacuum table kinda negates this).
Actually there's not much to "not like" about it.The finish,btw,is every bit as good as the SME(I had two SME V's).
Most importantly,taking a look at pricing,it was not overdone,at the 3900 dollar asking price.I think this may have gone up,though,so you make that call.A really good phono cable is a MUST,here!
Best of luck,with your decision!
BTW,Dougy...How can you assume I can appreciate and follow an analog waveform.Are you trying to make me jealous?I'll be lucky to hear a lousy CD,by the Holiday season,if I'm lucky!!
The only music I can play(these days),is on my "Walkman" at the gym!So if I do go my usual route of obnoxiousness,please cut me a small break.I'm hurting!
Also,STOP posting about your fabulous "super duper" new electronics,by "what's his name"!!
It only makes me envious! -:)
Best...."lucky dog"!!
I use the Zyx UNIverse with the Graham Phantom.When you would like to see a pic, see my System.
Hi Ed,

If I had the time, I'd be evaluating the Phantom right now. Unfortunately, this is proving to be a busy Summer, and free time such as it were is booked for other projects. I'm hopeful that I can pick this up in the Fall.

Some on this list may think that because my tastes do not lean towards the 2.2, that I might not be interested in the Phantom.

There are two very potent reasons for me wanting to spend time with the Phantom.

1. The 2.2 is a joy to set up and tracks marvelously. I expect nothing less of the Phantom.

2. My experiences with the shift from my Teflon composite platter architecture to the TPI may very well parallel what Bob has learned about his tonearm designs.

With respect to item 2 above, the single minor criticism I had with my Teflon composite platters (and I do mean minor), is that in the wrong system, they could sound the slightest bit bright. To my ears however, their other virtues could not be ignored. The TPI top layer addresses this issue.

The general reports I've read about the Phantom would lead me to believe that there is some parallel progress being made in this area and I'm very interested in hearing the results.

Thom @ Galibier