SME 20/2 SME V or Triplanar VII?

I'm in the process of acquiring an SME 20/2 and I would like to know others' thoughts and experiences with deciding whether to arm it with the SME V or the Triplanar VII.
Ag insider logo xs@2xcipherjuris
I think the SME is a pretty amazing arm, it sounds great on my friends SOTA and after all the arms he has had he cant sAy enough good things about it. FWIW
I've lusted after the triplanar for some time. I found the sme 4 at a bargain. No doubt all things being equal I probably would have gone with the triplanar. The SME is so good that only a side by side comparison would cause me to replace it.
SME is not alone in thier beleif that on the fly vta compromises the integrity of the bearing stability.
You can't go wrong with either. The sme is probably a better synergistic match with that table.
Dear Cipherjuris : I agree with Nsgarch and Chadnliz about the SME V: very good tonearm.
Other advantaga with the V is that match great with the 20/2 and this synergy is a plus that the Triplanar does not has.
Btw, if you add a Sumiko Celebration cartridge that makes a great match with that combo: you could be near audio heaven!!!!

+++++ " VTA on-the-fly ...? " +++++

I'm sorry but till today I don't know any single ( comercial. I read somewhere that Towhsend was in the development of something about ) tonearm with a real VTA on the fly. For we really can get one we will have to have a remote control over de tonearm. So, does not exist that " VTA on the fly ", at least not a useful one.

Regards and enjoy the music.
I think, good as the SME V is, the TriplanarVIIi betters it in every area (sonically, not from built quality).
But honestly, what I would do with this table, I would buy the 9" DaVinci Arm, this one uses the SME drill.
This is an amazing Arm.
You may wish to ring up Brooks Berdan in Monrovia, California. He sells the table and both arms and is a very experienced analog guy. I'm sure he'd have some worthwhile insights for you.