Yet another wacko 'Help Me Decide' thread...

obi wan or gandalf, obi wan or gandalf... oops, wrong forum...

I mean between an ZYX Airy R1000 3X or a Loricraft PRC-3.

This amuses me. I'm back into high-end audio for only about 1-1/2 years after being out for a dacade of so. I don't even know what those are. I THINK I've seen the brandnames. LOTS of stuff out there!
Heh heh - I hear you - it is hard to keep track of all the bits. The Airy is a moving coil cartridge and the Loricraft is a very good record cleaner. Both bring their own value to analog - I'm having a hard time deciding.
Loricraft - every LP sounds better and you dig up more information than before and you wonder why you didn't get it earlier.

With the cart on the same (level of cleaness/dirty) LP, you only get a different presentation.

The Loricraft changes the playing field. BTW, I've no commercial interest in Loricraft, etc...